With summer right around the corner, it’s almost time for afternoon pool parties, evening BBQ’s, and nighttime s’mores. But along with all these great backyard activities come the pests that also call your property home. One of the biggest offenders is the wasp, but it is possible for Modesto residents to keep summer wasps away.
When Do Wasps Become a Problem?
Although wasps are at their worst in the summer, they choose where to live and begin to build their nests in the spring, so this time of year is important when it comes to wasp prevention.
You won’t see many wasps buzzing around in the spring. That’s because most of them die off if the temperature gets too cold. The queen alone survives the winter. Once spring arrives, she begins to look for a suitable place to build her nest and start laying eggs to regrow her colony. Within a month of laying her first set of eggs, they’ll grow to maturity and help her build and protect the nest and gather food.
What Makes Your Modesto Property Attractive to Wasps?
The best thing you can do to prevent wasps from taking up residence on your Modesto property is make your yard less attractive to them. To figure out how to do this, you need to think like a wasp. Luckily, that’s not difficult to do.
Wasps in search of a home look for a place that will offer a plentiful food supply. Depending on the type of wasp, they eat a variety of things from insects to fruit to nectar to garbage. Reducing insect populations on your property, keeping your garbage cans tightly closed, and reducing the number of flowering plants you have around your home will help signal to a wasp that your home is not a great place to build a nest.
Wasps also need a steady water source. If your gutters are clogged, there are low spots on your lawn that collect water, or you leave pet dishes outside, wasps will know your property will provide a plentiful water supply.
Wasps love bright colors and sweet smells. These two things tell them that food is nearby. If you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, consider wearing muted colors and leaving perfumes for another day. When you eat outside, make sure to bring the food inside and clean up immediately after you’re done.
What Should You Do if You Find a Nest or See a Lot of Wasps Around?
If you have a wasp problem on your property, eliminating them is difficult and dangerous work. Not only can you get stung, but some of the DIY treatment options are dangerous both to humans and other animals and insects.
Instead, trust the pros at Insect IQ. We have the knowledge, skill, and equipment to safely remove wasp nests from your property, thus making your yard a pleasant place to be once again. Give us a call to learn about our wasp-removal services.